Signed in as:
Signed in as:
You may enter the Miss American Teenager Pageant either through one of our Virtual Regional Pageants or through our Appointed Title process. Competing in a Regional contest will allow you to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition whereas the Appointed program allows you to secure your state title immediately and begin preparing for nationals. Neither process is better than the other but instead a personal choice of which is best for your delegate.
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
Virtual Regional Competition Entry Form
States Included:
If you live, work, go to school or own property in one of the above states, you may enter the regional competition to win your Registration Fee paid to the national competition. The following titles will be awarded:
Preteenager: 10-12 years old
Junior Teenager: 13-15 years old
Teenager: 16-19 years old
Deadline to Enter: December 15, 2024
In addition to the Virtual Regional competitions above, we are "Appointing" a delegate for your state. You or your parent(s) must Live/Own property, Attend school or Work in the state you wish to represent or compete within. Appointed state titles are reserved for those who live/own property, attend school or work in a state that DOESN'T have a LIVE state pageant. If there is a LIVE pageant for your state, you must compete there before becoming eligible for a nickname or regional title. All titles will be awarded on a first paid reservation basis. To apply for an Appointed Title visit this link.
You must live/own property, work or attend school in the region you wish to represent . Titles will be awarded on a first paid reservation basis.
MISS AMERICAN TEENAGER® PAGEANTS are produced and directed by Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC and the Miss American Teenager Foundation. Miss American Teenager is not affiliated with Miss America or any other beauty pageant, competition, contest or event.
NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS • Washington, DC • 202.683.0158 •
All rights reserved. No reproductions of any materials found on this website is permissible and is subject to copyright laws. Miss American Teenager®, Registration Number 6632646, is a registered trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Miss American Preteenager, Registration Number 7656912, is a registered trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Miss American Junior Teenager is a pending trademark with USPTO application number 97031260. All program names within our organization are under federal trademark protection. © 2012 to Present MISS AMERICAN TEENAGER PAGEANT.