By registering to participate in this pageant you are acknowledging, accepting and agreeing that you have read the rules herein and agree to the following rules and regulations.
- Applying to represent your state or regional title or winning your state title at a state or regional pageant, is a commitment to attending the national pageant and assuming all responsibility for payment of fees, including the timely submission of all payment and paperwork to meet deadlines.
- State pageants are independently run and produced and Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC, as well as the National Director, are not responsible for payments sent to State Directors, or any gifts, awards or prizes forfeited by State Directors or Sponsors.
- All fees paid to Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC are non-refundable and non-transferrable. No refunds are provided for any reason including, but not limited to, payments made on behalf of the delegate by advertisers and sponsors and any fee, and all fees paid to Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC by delegates, supporters, sponsors, or advertisers.
- Each delegate is to raise at least a MINIMUM donation of $150 to support the pageant's scholarship program via donations to the Miss American Teenager Foundation.
- If a delegate is the ONLY person in her division for one of our 3 national titles of Miss American Teenager; Miss American Junior Teenager or Miss American Preteenager she must earn a MINIMUM PRELIMINARY SCORE OF AT LEAST 75 POINTS out of the maximum 90 eligible points. If she doesn't earn the required minimum score from the judges the Miss American Teenager Pageant will not crown a winner for said division and the national prize package will not be awarded.
- All delegates are REQUIRED to participate in You Are Enough (YAE) activities and provide verification to national office of activities completed.
- Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC reserves the right to change the date, location, and competition details of the national pageant at its discretion.
- The Miss American Teenager official crown and sash shall be worn together at all times for public appearances (where appropriate) and photographs. No other sash or crown, other than the official Miss American Teenager crown and sash, may be worn when representing your title with Miss American Teenager. No substitutions of crown and sash will be allowed.
- National winners will be required to sign a national Titleholder Contract, which states their Miss American Teenager title will be their main pageant priority and they will not enter any competitions that will require they relinquish the Miss American Teenager title or prevents them from completing their monthly appearances or returning to crown their successor.
- Delegates and their parents/guardians give permission for photographs, videos, or audio tape to be used for promotional and publicity purposes in print media as well as the internet.
- Miss American Teenager is not responsible for prizes forfeited by sponsors.
- Delegates with outstanding balances must pay full balance in order to compete at the national competition.
- National titleholders will receive their cash scholarship after crowning their successor and satisfactorily meeting all contract obligations. If contract obligations are not fulfilled titleholder will forfeit cash scholarship.
- A non-sufficient fund fee will be assessed for each bounced check received, and any other associated charges due to the incident.
Rules Governing Eligibility:
- All delegates cannot have been married, never been pregnant or had a child.
- All delegates must be of good moral standing.
- All delegates must reside in the United States and be a citizen.
- All delegates may have never posed nude in any form of media.
- All delegates must be between the ages of 10-19 as of September 1st of the national competition year.
Your participation in the Miss American Teenager pageant indicates that you agree to all the rules and regulations set forth by our program and is aware of our DELEGATE CODE OF CONDUCT AGREEMENT AND TITLE PROMOTION GUIDELINES which is below.