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We are proud to have the support of our fabulous sponsors. We are excited to partner with some of the most reputable companies and organizations to form an alliance that will benefit the delegates and national royalty in our program. We provide a variety of ways for your company, product or service to reach our audience. With prize sponsorships, specialty sponsorships, and corporate sponsorships, there is every opportunity to partner with us.
Available Sponsorships:
Platinum Sponsor - $15,000.00
Award Named in Honor of Your Business or Person of Choice
3 Business Promotion Opportunities by National Queens
Full page ad in Program Book
Acknowledgement Plaque
Signage at the Pageant (Company)
Logo on National Website
Announcement on Social Media
4 Complimentary Tickets with VIP Reserved Seating at Pageant
4 Complimentary Tickets with VIP Reserved Seating at the Miss American Teen Awards™
Opportunity to have a Display Table at the National Pageant
Acknowledgment at Finale
Gold Sponsor - $10,000.00
Award Named in Honor of Your Business or Person of Choice
Full page ad in Program Book
Acknowledgment Plaque
Signage at the Pageant (Company)
Logo on National Website
Announcement on Social Media
3 Complimentary Tickets with VIP Reserved Seating at Pageant
2 Complimentary Tickets with VIP Reserved Seating at the Miss American Teen Awards™
Opportunity to have a Display Table at the National Pageant
Acknowledgment at Finale
Silver Sponsor - $5,000.00
Award Named in Honor of Your Business or Person of Choice
Acknowledgment in Magazine Program Journal
Signage at the Pageant (Company)
Logo on National Website
Announcement on Social Media
2 Complimentary Tickets with VIP Reserved Seating at Pageant
1 Complimentary Ticket with VIP Reserved Seating at the Miss American Teen Awards™
Opportunity to have a Display Table at the National Pageant
Acknowledgment at Finale
Bronze Sponsor - $2,500.00
Full page ad in Program Book
Signage at the Pageant (Company)
Logo on National Website
Announcement on Social Media
2 Complimentary Tickets with VIP Reserved Seating at Pageant
1 Complimentary Ticket with VIP Reserved Seating at the Miss American Teen Awards™
Opportunity to have a Display Table at the National Pageant
Acknowledgment at Finale
Prize Package Sponsor/Gift Certificates – $300 & up
(Clothing, Spa Services, Photo Shoots, Travel, Swag/Gift Bag Items, Hotel Stay for Reigning Queens) Acknowledgement in Program Book
Logo on National Website
Announcement on Social Media
1 Complimentary Ticket to Pageant
Acknowledgment at Finale
Swag/Gift Bag Contributor - Offer a gift to each delegate for our gift bag
Acknowledgement in Program Book
Logo on National Website
Announcement on Social Media
Acknowledgment at Finale
Miss American Teenager Crown Club - Donate $100 or more (Various Patron Levels) to the Miss American Teenager Foundation (100% tax-deductible)
Acknowledgement in Program Book as a Crown Club Member
Corporate Advertisement in Program Book
$125 for 1/4 page ~$175 for half-page ~ $250 full page
If you would like to partner with us and become a sponsor or place a corporate ad in our Program Book, please contact us and we will respond to you within 24 hours.
MISS AMERICAN TEENAGER® PAGEANTS are produced and directed by Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC and the Miss American Teenager Foundation. Miss American Teenager is not affiliated with Miss America or any other beauty pageant, competition, contest or event.
NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS • Washington, DC • 202.683.0158 •
All rights reserved. No reproductions of any materials found on this website is permissible and is subject to copyright laws. Miss American Teenager®, Registration Number 6632646, is a registered trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Miss American Preteenager, Registration Number 7656912, is a registered trademark with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Miss American Junior Teenager is a pending trademark with USPTO application number 97031260. All program names within our organization are under federal trademark protection. © 2012 to Present MISS AMERICAN TEENAGER PAGEANT.