Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Age: 12
Hometown: Smyrna, Delaware
Leadership Roles: I am proud to have been awarded the Junior Youth of the Year at my local Boy's and Girl's Club in 2024. I earned this honor by exemplifying leadership, kindness, and reliability. After competing in the club portion of the competition, I went on to win in my local division. I was named a finalist in the Delaware State Junior Youth of the year competition. In addition to my leadership roles, I volunteer at a local daycare. I work with young children and consider myself someone they can look up to. I also volunteer at my local dentist office putting together goodie bags for all of the patients.
Accomplishments: I am an Honor Roll student. I have received the "Outstanding Reading Achievement Award" for accumulating over 300 points by consistently reading for 30 minutes or more throughout the school year. Additionally, I have been recognized as Student of the Month at each school that I have attended. When I was in fourth grade, 3 years ago I created a presentation to my principal. This presentation showcased the lack of recycling at my school and what I suggested should be done about it. With my persuasion my principle introduced a new recycling policy.
Interesting Facts:
- I am on a podcast for a family-owned website
- I am a cheerleader, and also played volleyball & soccer.
- I know how to play the clarinet.
- This was my first time competing in a pageant.
Legacy:: I aspire to be remembered as the Miss American Preteenager who wasn't afraid to compete for the first time. Someone who was willing to try something new and encourages other girls to do the same. That even if they don't win, they will gain more confidence, and an experience that will last a lifetime. My goal is to leave a legacy where girls not only build bonds with each other but confidence and character. Every contestant, whether it's their first pageant or their tenth feels like a queen and recognizes their own worth.
MISS AMERICAN TEENAGER® PAGEANTS are produced and directed by Miss American Teenager Pageant, LLC and the Miss American Teenager Foundation. Miss American Teenager is not affiliated with Miss America or any other beauty pageant, competition, contest or event.
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